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Marina del Rey Wetland Park

Restored wetland park in Marina del Rey

Wetland Park on Tahiti Way and Via Marina

This 0.75 acre tidal salt marsh on Tahiti Way and Via Marina was recently restored by The County of Los Angeles. The Wetland Park now features a habitat that supports a full suite of plant species adapted in life for wetlands that are submerged up to twice a day by the tides. Passersby can get a glimpse of shorebirds (sandpipers and plovers), waterfowl (ducks and geese), wading birds (herons and egrets), and songbirds. Historically, this site was part of the Ballona Wetland complex and inhabited wildlife such as ducks, fish and birds. As part of the restoration program, The County of Los Angeles added public walking paths, observation areas and educational signage for the public to enjoy this ecological resource.


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