Welcome to the official Marina del Rey blog written by the Marina del Rey Tourism Board. My Marina tells different stories of what makes L.A.’s Marina a unique destination. Read about fun things do like sailing and paddle boarding to waterfront dining, yacht cruises, and more.  

All About Dragon Boat Racing in Los Angeles

Dragon boats racing on the ocean

What is dragon boat racing? Is it like Fast and the Furious meets the ocean but more peaceful? Or is it boats zooming by with powerful engines? Canoes and paddleboards are common here in L.A.’s Marina. But what about dragon boats? Turns out dragon boat racing has been around quite a long time. It’s become a […]

Marina del Rey Dragonboat Festival

people rowing and racing dragonboats on water

The Los Angeles County Dragon Boat Club is proud to announce the Inaugural Marina Del Rey Dragon Boat Festival scheduled for Saturday, March 5, 2022. Stay tuned for more details!